
Use a form created by DTEI or create your own form to gather feedback at any time during the quarter.

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Evaluations Help Documentation

Creating a Template
Editing a Template
Publishing a Template
Submitting an Evaluation
Viewing Evaluation Results

Creating a Template

Creating a Template
Adding a Text Response Question
Adding a Multiple Choice/select Question
Adding a Grid Question

To Create a Template

  1.  Open EEE+ Evaluations.
  2. Select View Templates under the Instructors section.
  3. Press the Create a Template button.
  4. Add a title and click Create.
  5. Click Add Element to add questions, headers, or paragraphs of text to your template.

    Note: There are three types of questions to choose from: Text Response, Multiple Choice/select, and Grid Question. Text response allows students to answer questions in their own words, while Multiple Choice/select and Grid Questions are preset by the instructor.
  6. Once you’re finished adding elements you can click Preview to see how your template will look to students taking the evaluation.
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To Add a Text Response Question

  1. Click the Add Element menu and select Text Response.
  2. Write your question in the Question Text box.
  3.  Select a length of preference for the text response by clicking the response option menu.
  4. Click Save to save your progress.

To Add a Multiple Choice/select Question

  1. Click the Add Element menu and select Multiple Choice/select.
  2. Write your question in the Question Text box.
  3.  Choose how many responses a participant can select and how responses are displayed under the Question Options section.
  4. Write responses to your question below the Responses section.

    Note: If you would like to add more response options, click Add another Response option.
  5. Click Save to save your progress.
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To Add a Grid Question

Grid questions are a way to survey students on multiple questions using one set of responses. To learn how to add grid questions to a template, read below.

  1. Click the Add Element menu and select Grid.
  2. Write your question description in the Question Description box.
  3. Write your questions under the Questions section.
  4. Write your responses under the Responses section.
  5. Click Preview to see how your question will look to students taking the evaluation.
  6. Click Save to save your progress.
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Editing a Template

To Edit a Template

  1. Open the EEE+ Evaluations Template Library. Please login if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the row that contains the desired template.
  3. Select Edit in the dropdown menu.
  4. You will be taken to your evaluation template.
  5. Each icon next to a question has a specific function. The first icon reorders questions, the pencil icon allows you to go in and edit the question, the paper icon duplicates the question, and the trash icon deletes the question.
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Publishing a Template

When you are ready to begin accepting feedback from participants, you can publish an evaluation template. This process will make the form available via a unique URL, which can be distributed to the participants in your course.

To Make a Template Available to Participants:

  1. Open the EEE+ Evaluations Template Library. Please login if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Click the Publish button next to the desired template or click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the template and select Publish.
  3. (Optional) You can customize the title, which will be displayed to the participants.
  4. Specify if you would like the evaluation to be published to specific courses as Enrollment Only, or if you would like it to be available to anyone with the URL as Open Access.

  5. Configure the availability window for the evaluation to be open.
  6. Choose if you would like an initial email reminder to be sent.
    Note: The initial email reminder option is unavailable if your evaluation is set to Open Access.

  7. Once satisfied with the settings, press Publish.

You will be directed to your My Evaluations section. The published template should now be included in the evaluations table, along with a unique URL, evaluation window, number of responses, status, and additional information.

You can distribute the unique URL to the published form to the participants enrolled in your class(es).

Note: You cannot submit a response to a form that you have published.
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Publishing the Midterm Feedback Form (DTEI)

To publish the Midterm Feedback Form (DTEI):

  1. Open the EEE+ Evaluations Template Library. Please login If you haven’t already done so.
  2. Locate the Midterm Feedback Form (DTEI) at the top of the template list.
  3. Click the Publish button next to the desired template or click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the template and select Publish.
  4. (Optional) You can customize the title, which will be displayed to the participants.
  5. Specify if you would like the evaluation to be published to specific courses as Enrollment Only, or if you would like it to be available to anyone with the URL as Open Access.

  6. Configure the availability window for the evaluation to be open.
  7. Choose if you would like an initial email reminder to be sent.
    Note: The initial email reminder option is unavailable if your evaluation is set to Open Access.

  8. Once satisfied with the settings, press Publish.

You will then be directed to your My Evaluations section, where you should see the published Midterm Feedback Form.
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Unpublishing an evaluation

To close a published evaluation and prevent future submissions:

  1. Open EEE+ Evaluations.
  2. Locate the evaluation you wish to close.
  3. Click the “three dots” options menu in the row that contains the desired evaluation.
  4. Click on Edit Settings in the dropdown menu.
  5. Modify the evaluation window, so that the close date and time are the current date and time.
  6. Click Save.

You will be directed to your My Evaluations section, where you can access the results from the evaluation.

Note: Once an evaluation window is closed, it cannot be reopened.
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Sending email notifications & reminders

Email notifications and reminders are available only for evaluations assigned to one or more classes set as “Enrollment Only”.
(Samples of both emails are provided below.)

When publishing the evaluation, choose the “Send an email notification when evaluation window opens” option to send a notification when the evaluation becomes available.

To send a reminder email to non-participants:

  1. View your list of published evaluations.
  2. Click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the desired evaluation.
  3. Click Remind non-participants.

  4. Review the information, and then press the Send reminder button.

Reminder emails are sent only to students who have not yet submitted a response to the evaluation.
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Email notification template sample

Subject line: **Attention: Evaluation activated for [CLASS NAME]**


[INSTRUCTOR NAME] has activated an online evaluation for your class:


We invite you to provide feedback to [INSTRUCTOR NAME] about your
experiences in the class at:


Dates this evaluation will be available:
  [OPEN TIME] through [CLOSE TIME]



  The EEE+ Evaluations system provides no information to instructors or
  teaching assistants that makes it possible for them to associate
  any given response with a particular participant.

  The instructor you are evaluating will be able
  to view all comments and aggregated responses after the evaluation window has closed.

  Evaluations are activated at the discretion of the instructor. Any
  comments or concerns with the use of electronic evaluations should
  be directed to your instructor or the associated department.


  For the purposes of awarding optional extra credit to participating
  students, instructors requested that the Academic Senate authorize
  EEE to provide the instructor with a 'participation list'. The Senate
  approved that this list may be made available ONLY IF there are
  at least 5 responses. This list is in no way associated with the
  order of comments or submissions and is sorted by student ID number.


  Online "Help & How-to" documentation:

  Assistance with questions or technical support:
  eee-support@uci.edu or (949)824-2222

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Submitting an Evaluation

The evaluations tool provides you with an opportunity to provide feedback to a specific individual, based on a form that they have created.

  1. Open the URL that is provided in the request for feedback email.
    Or… Go directly to EEE+ Evaluations to see all pending Evaluations that are assigned to you and select an evaluation to begin by clicking on it.
  2. Review the information about the form, including who you will be evaluating within this form.
  3. Press Take Evaluation.
  4. Carefully enter your responses to each question.
  5. Press Review & Submit to review your responses.
  6. Press Submit my responses.
    Note: The name of the individual being evaluated appears within the button.

Note: Once five individuals have submitted a response, the individual who requested feedback will have access to a list of participants. Your identity will not be associated with the results. The participation list will include the names and email addresses of all students who have submitted the evaluation, even in those cases where the release of their information has been restricted.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I change my submissions?

Once you submit an evaluation, you cannot supplement, remove, or edit your comments in any way.

To ensure the anonymity of evaluation results, your identity is not connected to your submission. This means the system does not have the ability to provide you with your previous submission for the purpose of editing or removing the responses.

If you have made an error in your submission, such as evaluating the wrong person, the EEE team still cannot remove or modify your responses.

How does extra credit for submissions work?

Instructors may choose to award extra credit points to students for submitting evaluations. Awarding points and determining point value are at the discretion of the instructor.

After the evaluation has closed, EEE Legacy provides the instructor or assistant with a list of students who participated. This list gives no indication of which student submitted which evaluation.

This option is only available to instructors who have collected at least five evaluation submissions within EEE+ Evaluations.

Will my identity be associated with my submission?

Your identity will not be associated with your responses.

Note that, if there is a violation of the UC Irvine Computer & Network Use Policy within an evaluation response, OIT will conduct an investigation that could yield a response association.

I have additional questions or feedback about Evaluations.

Please don’t hesitate to share any additional comments, suggestions, or questions with the EEE team. Your participation and feedback will help guide the future development of the Evaluations tool.

Viewing Evaluation Results

Self-Activated Evaluations: Once five or more individuals have submitted responses to a self-activated evaluations form, you will be able to access both a listing of the participants and the contents of their responses.

Department-Activated Final Evaluations: Once five or more individuals have submitted responses to a Final Evaluation, you will be able to access a listing of the participants. The contents of the responses will be available after the term’s final grades submission deadline.

Viewing Self-Activated Evaluation Results

To view the results of a specific evaluation:

  1. Open EEE+ Evaluations. Please login if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Click View My Evaluations.

  3. Click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the row that contains the desired evaluation.
  4. Click View Results in the dropdown menu.

You will be presented with the aggregate results of the evaluation.
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Viewing Department-Activated Final Evaluation Results

Please Note: Final Evaluation results are not available until after the term’s deadline to submit final grades. This is typically between 5 pm and midnight of that day.

To view the results of a specific evaluation:

  1. Open EEE+ Evaluations. Login if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Click Access Final Eval Results.
  3. Click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the row that contains the desired evaluation.
  4. Click View Results in the dropdown menu.

You will be presented with the aggregate results of the evaluation.
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Viewing EEE Legacy Department-Activated Evaluation Results

Results for final evaluations that were conducted in the prior EEE Legacy Evaluations system between 2002 and 2020 are accessible in EEE+ Evaluations.

  1. Go to EEE+ Evaluations.
  2. Click on the Access Final Eval Results button.
  3. Click on the Download Results button on the right side of the page.
  4. Choose the dial for Official Final Evaluations.
  5. Choose a specific course, department, or all your courses.
  6. Choose a specific term or academic year.
    Please note: EEE Legacy Final Evaluations tool was used between 2002 and 2020.
  7. Choose how you’d like to download the data.
  8. Lastly, click on the blue Download button.
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Participant List

Once an evaluation has at least five responses, you can access a list of participants.

To access the list of participants:

  1. Open EEE+ Evaluations If you have not already done so, please login.
  2. Click View My Evaluations or Access Final Eval Results

  3. Click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the row that contains the desired evaluation
  4. Click Participants List in the dropdown menu

You will be presented with a list of individuals who submitted responses, along with their email addresses.

Note that the My Evaluations and Access Final Eval Results section also provides you with a number of responses that are received. For example, Participants (37) indicate that 37 individuals have submitted responses.
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Downloading the Participant List

Once an evaluation has at least five responses, you can access a list of participants and download them as a CSV file, along with a participation score of your choosing.

To download the list of participants:

  1. Open EEE+ Evaluations Please login if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Click View My Evaluations or Access Final Eval Results.

  3. Click on the “three dots” options menu on the far right of the row that contains the desired evaluation.
  4. Click Participants List in the dropdown menu.
  5. Above the participant’s list, click Download as CSV.
  6. Enter the number of points that each participant should receive then press Download.

You can then use the file converter tool available within the UCI Canvas gradebook to prepare the scores for import into UCI Canvas.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the response rate for an individual question?

The response rate for each question, which includes the number of responses and the percent of total responses, is included just above each question.

Why can’t I see any results for my self-activated evaluation?

It is likely that the evaluation is still open. Results are released only when the evaluation is closed.

When can I view the results of a department-activated Final Evaluation?

Final Evaluation results are not available until after the term’s deadline to submit final grades, typically between 5 pm and midnight of that day.

Why is the minimum number of responses 5?

This restriction is based on the Academic Senate Policy. The minimum number of responses is designed to ensure that participant identities cannot be traced back to individual responses.

What do I do with these responses?

This is a great question! There are a number of pedagogical uses for midterm evaluations. We highly recommend contacting our colleagues in the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) to talk further about options for analyzing, responding to, and incorporating feedback received from midterm evaluations.

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