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Gradescope Help Documentation


Suggested Uses
How to Integrate With Canvas
Syncing Your Roster
Creating A Linked Assignment in Canvas
Creating a Gradescope Assignment
Grading Submissions
Posting Grades
Ungraded or Partially Graded Submissions
Training Webinars


Gradescope helps speed up grading and provides feedback to students based on criteria that you create. Rubrics help ensure that grading is consistent and fair across multiple graders. It utilizes AI to scan and group similar answers from students, saving you time. It also provides useful statistics about how students are performing in your course.

Suggested Uses

  • Save time when grading exams.
  • Provide more frequent and higher quality feedback to students.
  • Identify which concepts students are struggling with.

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How to Integrate with Canvas

These steps assume that you have already created a Canvas course space. If you have not, create a course space first.

  1. Open your Canvas course space and click on Settings.
  2. Click on Navigation near the top.
  3. There are two lists here. Drag Gradescope from the lower list to the upper list.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of this screen.
  5. Gradescope should now appear as a menu item on the left-hand side of your Canvas course space.

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Syncing Your Roster

  1. Open GradeScope.
  2. Select Roster on the left menu.
  3. Click the Sync Canvas Roster button.
  4. A pop-up will appear explaining how accounts will be synced.

    Note: By default, Gradescope will email users to say that they’ve been added to the course. If you don’t want users to be notified, uncheck “Let new users know that they were added to the course” in the pop-up.
  5. Click Sync Roster.
    Note: GradeScope may request access to your Canvas account. Select yes and continue.

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Creating A Linked Assignment in Canvas

  1. Open your linked course in Canvas. 
  2. Select Assignments from the left sidebar menu and then select the +Assignment button.

  3. Enter your assignment name, overall point value, and any corresponding assignment dates to match the Gradescope assignment.
    Note: Any extension dates, late due dates, or section-specific assignment dates that are set on Gradescope are not automatically synced to the Canvas assignment. Ensure the due dates on Canvas and Gradescope are the same to avoid confusion.
  4. Scroll down to Submission Type.

  5. In the drop-down menu, select External Tool.

  6. Click the Find button under External Tool Options.

  7. Find Gradescope under the pop-up list and then click Select.

  8. Select Save and Publish. Your Gradescope Course Dashboard will open in a new tab or a window embedded in Canvas.

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Creating A GradeScope Assignment

  1. Log in to Canvas.
  2. Select your course and then click GradeScope on the left menu.
  3. GradeScope will launch into a separate tab. Once there, select Assignments on the left-hand menu.

  4. Click the Create Assignment button at the bottom of the page.

  5. Select what Assignment type you would like and click Next.

  6. Name your assignment, upload a template, and fill in the release date and due date, then click Next.

  7. Check the box next to the sections you want to release the assignment to and then click Create Assignment.

  8. Create an outline for future assignments and grading purposes.

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Grading Submissions

  1. Log in to Canvas.
  2. Select your course and then click GradeScope on the left menu. 
  3. Once GradeScope launches, click on the assignment you would like to grade.

  4. Select the Grade Submissions button at the bottom of the page.

  5. Grade your assignments. 

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Posting Grades

Make sure that you’ve synced your roster.

  1. When you’ve finished grading submissions, you will be taken to the Gradescope Grading Dashboard for the assignment. 
  2. Expand the left sidebar in Gradescope and click Review Grades.

  3. On the Review Grades page, select the Post Grades to Canvas button.
  4. A pop-up explaining how grades will be pushed from Gradescope to Canvas will appear.

  5. Click Post Grades.
    Note: Only the overall score for each fully graded assignment will be posted to your Canvas Gradebook. Fully graded assignments will have a checkmark next to them on the Review Grades page in Gradescope. 

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Ungraded or Partially Graded Submissions

When you post grades to Canvas with the older version of the Gradescope tool, a dash appears next to any remaining ungraded or partially graded submissions.

 If you want students to also see their graded, annotated submissions, question-by-question scores, rubrics, and feedback on Gradescope, then click the Publish Grades button.

Click the Compose Email to Students button at the bottom of the Review Grades page in Gradescope to alert students that their grades are now visible.

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Training Webinars

View the Gradescope Webinar Schedule here.

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