Visit iClicker Cloud
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Suggested Uses
Getting Started
Creating a Course
Course Details
Integrating with Canvas
Syncing Your Grades
Running an In-Class Poll
iClicker is a polling, participation, and engagement tool. With iClicker, students can respond to questions or polls in real-time, or otherwise provide immediate feedback. Instructors can also use iClicker to track attendance and participation. Please note that during remote instruction, you will need to use the iClicker Cloud version of this tool.
Suggested Uses
- Increase and measure student participation.
- Track attendance.
- Gauge students’ understanding of a topic.
- Quiz students.
Getting Started
iClicker Cloud is managed by the Classroom Technology Support team. For information on using this tool, please visit
Creating a Course
- Download the iClicker Cloud Application.
- Create an account.
- Once you’ve logged in, click +New Course on the dashboard.
- Enter your course details, then click Create. For more information on course details, click here.
Course Details
- Select which activities you will be using in your Clicker Cloud course. Most instructors use the default Full Course option, which includes polls, quizzes, assignments, and attendance.
- Your Institution and Course Discipline will be filled in based on what you entered when you created your account. You can modify these fields here as needed.
- Enter your Course Name and the Start and End Date.
- Under Enrollment, you can decide whether your course appears in search results for your institution in the Clicker student app. If you choose to make your course unlisted, students must enroll in your course via your course join code or an LMS integration.
- We recommend filling in the optional Course ID, Term, and Meeting Times.
Integrating with Canvas
- Download the iClicker Cloud Application if you haven’t already done so.
- Open your iClicker Cloud course settings.
- Open the Integrations tab and select Connect to Canvas.
- Select Go to Canvas.
- Click Authorize.
- Choose the appropriate Canvas course space and click Next.
- Select the appropriate sections within the Canvas course space and click Connect.
iClicker will now be connected to the appropriate course space. You can sync scores at any time to update students’ iClicker records in your Canvas gradebook.
Syncing Your Grades
- Make sure your course is integrated with Canvas.
- Login to iClicker Cloud and open your iClicker course.
- Open the GradeBook on the left side of the screen
- Click Sync Grades in the upper-right corner.
- Select the session(s) to include and click Sync in the lower-right corner.
- When done, you’ll see a success message to confirm that the sync is complete.
Note: The grade sync may take time depending on the size of the class, the number of iClicker records to sync, and the speed of your internet connection.
Running an In-Class Poll
- Start a class session from the desktop software.
- Instruct students to join the class session.
- Select the “Poll” icon.
- Select the question type.
- Click the play button to start a Polling question.
- You’ll be prompted with the first poll of each class session to select which screen or window iClicker will screenshot and share with students. Click Select to continue.
- iClicker will send the screenshot of your screen or window to students’ devices as a Polling question.
- To end a Polling question, select the stop button.
- Select the Results icon in the Clicker toolbar to view class responses. You can drag the edges of the window to resize the panel as needed.
Selecting Correct Answers
Select an answer choice on the Results panel to indicate that it is correct.
Select it again to toggle it to incorrect or ungraded. You can choose multiple correct responses.
When graded, the results change color to green (correct) and red (incorrect), a checkmark appears below the correct response(s), and a GRADED badge displays next to the question number.