
Electronic Lab Notebook

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Instructor Getting Started Guide

The goal of this guide is to introduce people to using LabArchives with Canvas. Below, you will find step-by-step guides as well as links to detailed help documentation for accessing LabArchives for the first time, creating and building out your first Notebook, and connecting any assignments with your existing Canvas course space.

The overall process to get started is:

Step 1: Accessing LabArchives
Step 2: Setting up your first LabArchives Notebook
Step 3: Adding Content to your LabArchives Notebook
Step 4: Creating a LabArchives Course
Step 5: Linking a LabArchives Notebook assignment to Canvas

For information not covered in this guide (such as grading in LabArchives), please visit LabArchives’ knowledge base.

Step 1: Accessing LabArchives

In order to start working with LabArchives, please use the following steps to log in for the first time. Once you complete these steps, you can begin using the tool..

  1. To access LabArchives, go to and select University of California, Irvine from the Sign in through your institution drop down menu.
  2. You will be taken to UCI’s Single Sign-On page. Enter your UCInetID + password and authenticate through DUO.
  3. Next you will be brought to a LabArchives screen with two options. In the Create or Activate a new LabArchives account section, enter your UCI email address.
  4. Click Create New Account
  5. When asked “Do you want to create a new LabArchives account and link with your login credentials?” Click Yes.

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Step 2: Setting up your first LabArchives Notebook

Once you have activated your LabArchives account in the above guide, you will need to create your first course Notebook. Think of this as the main source for all student Notebooks to be created from. 

  1.  Click Notebooks on the top left of the Notebook Menu. Then click the + button.

  2. Enter a Name for your Notebook.
    It’s recommended that you create a clear and recognizable name for your notebook. You can always rename the notebook.
    NOTE: The notebook name must be between 5-60 Characters.

  3. Select a Folder Layout. LabArchives includes several premade folder layouts. If you would like to create your own folder structure click None.
    Keep in mind, you can always rename, move or delete the folders.  The From another notebook option will copy the root level folder structure of another notebook in your account.
  4. Click Create Notebook to create the notebook.  
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Step 3: Adding Content to Your LabArchives Notebook

The following guides will help familiarize yourself with the features within a LabArchives Notebook.

Creating Folders and Pages
Adding data to your Notebook
Creating a LabArchives Assignment
Copying existing Pages and Notebooks

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Step 4: Creating a LabArchives Course

In order to distribute your newly created LabArchives Notebook to students, you will need to create a LabArchives Course and link it to your Canvas courses space. One of the benefits of LabArchives being linked to UCI Canvas is that it can automatically manage your course roster by syncing it with your existing Canvas course space.

The steps for setting this up are comprehensive and potentially too long to include directly in this page, so we have linked to LabArchives’ documentation on the process. For more information, please see:

How to Create a LabArchives Course

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Step 5: Linking a LabArchives Notebook assignment to Canvas

If your LabArchives Notebook contains Assignments, you can use the following steps to link it to a Canvas assignment:

Note: Please complete Step 4: Creating a LabArchive Course and link your LabArchive Course to your Canvas course space before proceeding.

  1. Starting from within your Canvas course space, create a new assignment.
  2. Name the Assignment and enter any details or descriptions.
    Note: We recommend that your LabArchives Assignment should have the same name as the Canvas Assignment.
  3. Scroll down to the Submission Type section, click on the drop-down menu and select External Tool.
  4. Click Find and a small pop-up window will appear.
  5. Click LabArchives. This will open a list of all the Assignment entries you have in your LabArchives course. Check to be sure the correct course is selected before linking assignments.

  6. Next, choose the LabArchives Assignment you want to link.

    Note: If you do not see the assignments listed, double check the email address used for your Canvas and LabArchives account. 
  7. Once you are done, click Select, then save your assignment in Canvas. You also have the option to have LabArchives open up in a new tab by checking Load in a new tab.

    If the instructor creates a Canvas assignment with a deadline, and grades the assignment after its deadline, the gradebook will show that the assignment was submitted late. 
  8. Finish setting any relevant Canvas Assignment settings such as due dates, and save (or Save & Publish) the assignment.
  9. Your LabArchives Assignment is now linked to Canvas.

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